
Mike Wilding

Vice President, Energy Supply Management

As vice president of energy supply management, Mike Wilding is responsible for directing PacifiCorp’s front office organization in commercial and trading activities and leading PacifiCorp’s market development efforts. He leverages a decade of experience navigating and solving many complex regulatory and cost-recovery issues for the company. Energy supply management is responsible for commercially managing PacifiCorp’s diverse generation portfolio. This includes power and natural gas hedging, term and day-ahead trading, real-time trading, generation dispatch and system balancing. Mr. Wilding also oversees the company’s environmental reporting and policy departments.

For PacifiCorp’s market development and expansion efforts, Mr. Wilding led PacifiCorp’s engagement in the stakeholder process of the design and tariff development phases of both the CAISO Extended Day Ahead Market and the Western Resource Adequacy Program. His efforts are now turned to onboarding and implementation of EDAM and WRAP.